יום שבת, 4 ביולי 2015


After having surprisingly great time in San Francisco, we had no expectation, we started our last morning hour in S.F., before going starting our drive to Yosemite, with some whale watching. As our campsite was just along the beach, some whales decided to visit our campsite and swam near us. That was a nice ending to S.F. The next day was dedicated for driving to Yosemite. 
At Yosemite, as we missed the campsites reservations day, we found a site only outside of the Yosemite Valley about an hour drive from the Valley. The next day we woke up early, 7:15 am, we were driving already to the Yosemite Valley. At the Valley we did the famous Vernal Falls trail, which is about 4 km and 370 meter height clime. The kids ran all the way up with great joy and energy. Up there we spent some time in the river until everything changed. Suddenly a big thunder storm came from no where and big drops of rain started to rapidly fall on us. Quickly the temperature dropped and as our clothes were soaked we decided to rapidly find our way down. Going down the hill with heavy rain and slippery boulders was an experience. The kids make it with great courage and I'm sure this hike would be to remember. Sadly as we have rushed down I did not manage to take photos of the down hill way.
The next day was much more quite one where we just have short hikes in the wonderful Yosemite Valley.

We are now on the 4th of July celebrations,  we found the other day a nice campground need Yosemite and moved there for couple of days. So today we are just resting and celebrating with the Americans, BBQ, Parade, Carnival, Games, and more..... and the kids just love this.

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