יום ראשון, 12 ביולי 2015

Lake Tahoe and Redwoods national Park

Actually we kind of arrived to lake Tahoe not in a good weather and as it was raining almost all day so we kind of packed all and just continued. On the way out we just went to see the lake, just to see what we missed. 

From lake Tahoe we decided to drive back to the coast and started the drive to the Redwoods national parks area, which is on the coast on the border of California and Oregon. 
In this coastal line you can find some of the last remaining Redwoods trees which are one of the 3 sequoia species (The first one, found in the Sierra Nevada, Yosemite area and another very rear Sequoia which has been found in China). The Redwoods are the tallest trees on the planets and can reach up to 120 meter and has a diameter of 6.6 meters. They are taller than their Sierra Nevada brother which can reach only to 90 meters but has a wider diameter which can reach to 12 meters. 
In the Redwoods apart from watching Elks, which we did not see, the main attraction of course is walking in the woods and seeing these big Giants. So we did. Walking in theses rain forest among these old big trees is kind of magical and gives the feeling of walking in Little Red Riding Hood forest, like in a Fairy Tales. The light non stopping rain just added to that atmosphere.  

The next day we went to a place called The Mystery tree, where you ride a cable car between the Redwoods tree.
Though this is a commercial touristic place it is a nice and fun attraction.

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