יום רביעי, 24 ביוני 2015

Morro Bay

Yesterday we have finished our L.A. part and started our journey north. Our last day in L.A. was a 14 hours fun and exhausting day at Disneyland. Though for us the grownups the rids where, yet again, 80's rides, the Disney experiences and atmosphere still makes it and the kids just loved it ! It was packed & crowded, but the kids just loved it ! so starting at opening time, 8 am we arrived back to our campsite (10 min drive) at 12 pm. 
The following day we started our way north were first stop was Santa Barbara. There we had lunch on the beach while the kids build castle and played with the waves. As we had to stop for some stock replenishment, we headed toward the nearest 24h Walmart, and spent the night at Walmart parking. Needless to say that we spent the evening and the next morning at Walmart buying stuff. 
Today (24.06) we are camping at Morro Bay, it is on the coast in a lovely little town. 
On the camp side we have used our new Walmart barbecue grill, which took a while to build and a while to light, but once we did it kept running. 
Tomorrow we plan to reach to the Big Sur going via Cambria & San Simeon.

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